"cheap" 20v engine (Mike Arman)

Tom Werner noonan67 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 30 18:56:11 EST 2003

Sorry Guys,

That car was claimed two weeks ago.

It's in my driveway, in the final stages of having the timing belt, water 
pump, thermostat, crank seal, cam seal, and a bout a dozen other items 

Overall the car was in pretty good shape (except for a leaking coolant 
resevoir which was detailed on the list a few weeks ago, and it definitely 
will keep me busy for the next few weeks).

May our vulturing ways continue unabated,

-- Tom Werner

1988 80q
1991 200tq
1992 VW Cabriolet.

(one of these cars has got to go!)

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