5ktq electrical issues update...

Cody Cody at mail.craincorporated.com
Wed Oct 1 11:03:37 EDT 2003

Yeah sorry, too tired today, hehe.


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Bernard Littau" <bernardl at acumenassociates.com>
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 06:40:01 -0700

>O2 sensors usually read in the range of 0-1 Volt.  Did you mean 0.5 and 0.55
>Volts in your message?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: quattro-admin at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-admin at audifans.com] On
>> Behalf Of Cody
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 5:51 AM
>> To: quattro at audifans.com
>> Subject: 5ktq electrical issues update...
>> Ok well I got to work on the car for real yesterday. I did play with it
>> some Sunday, but didn't really do much. Ok so last night I put the timing
>> light on it (should done this a while ago) and checked to make sure that
>> while missing if it still has all 5 plugs going. It does. Now this is
>> where it gets weird. With the battery topped up as it is now I have to
>> turn the a/c on to get the rad fan going AND turn on the lights to get a
>> slight miss, then highbeams gets a good solid miss that wont rev above
>> whatever rpm it was at when you hit the highbeam switch. Trouble is that
>> now it seems as if the problem isn't that its loosing spark. Quantity and
>> quality of spark seems perfect or at least as good as it needs to be. What
>> is confusing me is the fact that when the engine is missing its dumping
>> black smoke and showing every sign of being rich except the O2 sensor
>> reads as ever so slightly rich at about 5v at idle with it tuned for a
>> slightly richer 5.5v at idle. Even once I've leane!
>>  d it out significantly for a test it still acts rich (but reads lean).
>> Now timing is under question. I was in the car keeping it running and
>> switching the lights and such on/off while my dad was checking the timing.
>> He says it was ~0 TDC at idle and advanced as it should when I sped up the
>> engine (didn't note how much now that I think of it), but he says that
>> when I hit the lights and it started missing that the timing reversed and
>> went to retard at all rpm. Could it be retarding enough to cause a miss?
>> What would cause this? Checked the hall earlier in the day and it read
>> perfect (4.3 on the 4v+ spec pins 1+2, 11.5v to the 9v+ spec pins 1+3).
>> My dad keeps telling me that he thinks all 3 of my spare Mac-11s are bad.
>> He says that in his experiance they go bad left and right, claiming one
>> story of a friend that went through 3 in a year before selling the car.
>> I've never heard anything like this, and never had one hicup on me. Any
>> truth? I still doubt I've got 3 bad. Just to satisfy his mind are there
>> any listers with 5kt's in the Delray Beach/ Boca Raton area that would
>> mind stopping by for a second sometime to let me rty your Mac-11 in my
>> car? I have seen 2 arround town (one goes into a neighborhood a block away
>> from me) recently (and an 80 yesterday, first one besides mine I've ever
>> seen).
>> Oh I forgot to mention that for this test the EFI was drawing its power
>> directly off the battery, no longer through the MAC-11s power feed. Ground
>> is still 4 wires with 2 ring terminals bolted to the chassis.
>> -Cody

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