High idle, sticking throttle, throttle body questions

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Thu Oct 2 00:50:56 EDT 2003

> Keywords: high idle, unintended acceleration
> Patient is a 1990 100q     non turbo, manual transmission
> Here are the problems I am experiencing.
> 1. Idle is at 1200 rpm

> I traced the problem to the throttle body. There is friction in the moving
> parts and the secondary throttle plate does not close completely. The
> primary throttle plate closes ok.

my coupe did this once, though it was stuck at 3k.  Which was an awful
way to drive til I got home.  Pull big rubber boot off throttle body and
clean and lubricate every moving part you can get to.

> 2. What is the purpose of the dashpot? I know it slows down the closing of
> the primary throttle plate at the end of its travel by about 1.5 seconds.
> Why is it necessary?

I think I almost figured that out once.  Removed mine, noticed no
difference.  I suspect it might be to lower emissions, or *perhaps* to
improve driveability a tiny bit.

> 3. The adjusting screw in the primary/secondary linkage has no head. It
> looks like the head was sheared off deliberately after the factory assembled
> and adjusted the linkage.

Sounds about right.  The throttle body is *one* part in the FA.  Most of
it isn;t really designed to come apart, although with a little coaxing
it can be done.  Just take pictures first!

> The function of this screw appears to provide a positive mechanical stop to
> ensure that the secondary is completely closed when the primary is in idle.
> A lever on the primary shaft presses against this screw stop. The screw
> intself is mounted on the lever mechanism for the secondary.
> I have about a .020 gap between the screw and the lever. The only thing that
> shuts off the secondary completely is a small spring at the end of its
> travel . . .not much leverage there.
> I have to figure out a way to make an adjustment . .I may just grab the set
> screw with pliers. Any ideas?

Yes, clean it.  Most of these TB's have big springs wrapped around the
bottom of the butterfly "axles" that will close them just fine.  Clean

> I stepped away from this email and did some more cleaning and lubricating on
> the throttle shafts. I used WD-40 on the shafts and linkages.
> I got the secondary shaft and linkages freed up . . .the plates now close
> under spring tension only.

Uh, ok, well, I guess all the times I said "clean it" above are now

Huw Powell



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