Optimas in type 44's- still looking for an answer

quattro + 5 or 8 = fun thequattroking at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 2 23:03:19 EDT 2003

I did some measuring a while back.  If I remember right, they are to tall.
Unless mounted on their side.  My sister use to work for Johnson controls
and told me they are the makers of the Optima.  She was right.  Look at the
bottom of the page:  http://www.optimabatteries.com/

If I remember right,  Red is regular, blue is marine deep cycle, yellow is
RV and other deep cycle.  The difference between the yellow and blue if my
memory is right, is the blue has a higher CCA and the blue has a higher RC.

I hth,


Bay Area, CA

Audis, MBZs & a black sheep BMW.

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> From: Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net>
> Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2003 19:45:21 -0400
> To: Charles Baer <charlie at istari.com>
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com, quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: Optimas in type 44's- still looking for an answer
> At 2:18 PM -0600 10/2/03, Charles Baer wrote:
>> Optima states that the red and orange tops are identical spec but with
>> +/- posts swapped relative to each other.
> Right, yep, knew that part at least :-)
>> The red ones are BACKWARDS for our t44s and the urQ.
> Hmm, OK, so to get the terminals as high as possible(w/the battery
> lying on its side), but still have the terminals on the correct side,
> you have to do the orange?
>>   I never seem to
>> find anyone who keeps orange tops on 'de shelf...
> I remember Optima was bought up by one of the big battery makers and
> they became available everywhere the Big-Batt-Co batteries were...
> Brett
> --
> ----
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