5ktq electrical issues update...

Mike Arman armanmik at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 3 10:48:42 EDT 2003


>Reply-To: <Cody at mail.craincorporated.com>
>To: <antar at comcast.net>
>Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical issues update...
>I think you misread a post somewhere. This has nothing to do with 3000rpm. =
>The engine missfires at all rpms, even bad enough (depending on how low the=
>voltage is) to where it wont run at any speed with any throttle position. =
>If I let the car idle and do not touch the throttle then turn on say the pa=
>rking lights and the voltage goes to 12.8v I get a slight missfire and the =
>engine will drop about 100rpm, then if I turn on the headlights it will get=
>more severe and either stall or get close to stalling, and highbeams will =
>nearly always cause it to stall. If I try to hold it at any given speed usi=
>ng the throttle it takes more and more throttle to keep it going. When the =
>lights are on w/ highbeams usually it will be missfiring so badly that at W=
>OT it won't go past 3000rpm, then if I turn on the a/c it just plain dies n=
>o matter what speed or throttle position. This is all voltage related. At 1=
>2=2E8v it misses slightly, at 12.6v is where it will barely run and at 12.4=
>v or under it ju!
>st shuts off.

You know, this *almost* sounds like a dead battery-no charge problem. The
more electrical load you put on it, the worse things get.

I think what I might try at this point is getting the engine to run
properly with no other electrical draws on the system - even if it meant
hooking up a known good, fully charged external battery to the car.

It almost sounds like the firing order is off (slight misfire, worse as you
speed up) and has been so long enough so that all this continued
troubleshooting has run down the battery, and on these cars, low batteries
will give ALL sorts of weird problems.

This may be a case of can't see the forest for the trees - you DID check
the firing order, right?

Cody, come and buy the 86 5KTQ I have sitting here . . . it does run, and
I'll make you a deal . . .

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

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