5000TQ Oil seal

denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 4 10:57:30 EDT 2003

Thank you Javad i appreciate.
----- Original Message -----
From: <JShadzi at aol.com>
To: ""Denis"" <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>; ""quattro list""
<quattro at audifans.com>; <auditude at cox.net>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: 5000TQ Oil seal

Denis, I absolutley agree with your assesment, having the old part is always
a good thing when buying replacement parts, not a necessity per se, but a
good thing to avoid problems.


>I buy auto parts for long time and i now know since long when i order a car
>part with a number 30% chance it s not the right part, usually its almost
>that but does not fit.
>Soooo to avoid any problems, i prefer go to the part dealer with the old
>part or with the size of the seal or bearing, i ll be never in mistake that
>For my 90 Audi some parts are not the same just by date they fabricated the
>car. i return 3 time the front hub bearing cause the number tells me it s
>the right part AND it s NOT, it does not fit... shit,,, the guys at the
>service did not believe,,,, so i tell him ,,, ()&*?&?%$$/"/" bearing does
>not fit, i remove mine mesure it and then go to the auto parts dealer to
>get the RIGHT bearing.
>I save energy time and patient with the size. ;-).
>What the Audi dealer can do (tell me a long story about i cant get the
>sizes of ...) when he does not want to move his butt from his chair to get
>part size (bearing and seal).How can i get a seal or bearing if the Audi
>dealer does not have them stock and i have to wait couplle days to get them
>( and 4 blocks from my home i have a bearing Dealer)(Audi Dealer in
>another town) ?
>I make a little story to make my request important ;-) then
> I told him ,
> -get the part number
> - (move your **&?%$ butt) go to the place you store the parts
> - read the number (size) on it (seal, bearing)
> -then give me that )((*&?%$?%/%?&&? size.
>You see,,, i finally got all size i need and can get all seal and bearing i
>need to finish the job on this weekend, unless i would have wait til next
>week to get them at much more bucks $ and MAYBE mistaken number ;-).
>I have good price from my local bearing dealer, i save 40% on parts,,
>so makes some phone calls for the size make me save alot of nicee can
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <auditude at cox.net>
>To: <quattro at audifans.com>; <sparkplugvw at hotmail.com>
>Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 12:48 PM
>Subject: re: 5000TQ Oil seal
>> Hello,
>> I don't understand why the "size" of the seals could help.
>> Don't you buy seals by the part number or for the application?
>> I know bearings are more universal, and you can often by replacements by
>the size, but are seals the same way?
>> Ken
>> denis sparkplugvw at hotmail.com
>> >
>> Need oil seal size for 5000TQ tranny 1987.
>> Oil seal on the driver and helper side of the CV flange for tranny.
>> BEFORE 4 o clock ;-) , i dont have time to take off CV to get the
>> So i ll appreciate very much
>> Denis

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