Clutch Question

Kevin Kingan klkinc at
Tue Oct 7 02:40:19 EDT 2003

Hi all;
I am going to be need a new clutch in my 88 90Q 10v very soon. My question
is, can I use the 20v disc (240mm) in my 10v? The pressure plate is the same
for the 2 (each 240mm). But the disc's are different (228mm for 10v & 240mm
for 20v).
 Will the disc work or will I have to go to the 20v flywheel?
 I ask because the 10v disc is $50 cheaper than the 20v. Go figure?
Any help id be very grateful!

1988 90Q 2.3E Sport
1995 VW Jetta 2.0

----- Original Message -----
From: <quattro-request at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 6:21 PM
Subject: quattro digest, Vol 1 #5447 - 18 msgs

> Send quattro mailing list submissions to
> quattro at
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> quattro-request at
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> quattro-admin at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of quattro digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re:4kq sputter update & cold idle probs (R Mangas)
>    2. RE:My Audi nightmare (Bhatti, Mohammed)
>    3. RE:engine questions (JShadzi at
>    4. Trophy Recaro Seats in my CGT (David)
>    5. (no subject) (David)
>    6. Re:5ktq electrical issues update... (Cody Forbes)
>    7. 5KTQ Cruise Control-Help (mark.e.woodland at
>    8. Re:4kq needs new suspension; spring q (Huw Powell)
>    9. Flywheel bolt question (josh Leonti)
>   10. Re:5KTQ Cruise Control-Help (Huw Powell)
>   11. Re:5ktq electrical issues update... (Eric_R_Kissell at
>   12. Anyone hear from Avi? (Ameer Antar)
>   13. Replacing metal coolant pipe for heater/tranny cooler (Type-44)
(Ameer Antar)
>   14. Petit Lemans Tent? (Ira Deere)
>   15. Lucas rear caliper document (james accordino)
>   16. 86 4000q speedo problems (Evan Manaresi)
>   17. Cruise Control cont'd (mark.e.woodland at
>   18. RE:Cruise Control cont'd (millertyme)
> --__--__--
> Message: 1
> From: "R Mangas" <porter_dog at>
> To: syljay at, quattro at
> Cc: theloves at
> Subject: Re: 4kq sputter update & cold idle probs
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:55:16 -0400
>    I think the cold start valve only opens when the starter is turning; if
> you're getting good starts in colder weather (how cold?) but the idle is
> that's a sign of poor afterstart enrichment.  Main driver for that is the
> coolant temp sensor, which are cheap and should pretty much be replaced as
> matter of course.
>   That's where I would start, that and a vacuum leak witch hunt.
> else is tougher and more expensive.
> >From: SJ <syljay at>
> >To: quattro at
> >CC: theloves at
> >Subject: Re: 4kq sputter update & cold idle probs
> >Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:24:55 -0400
> >
> >
> > > Message: 5
> > > From: "Tom Love" <theloves at>
> > > To: "QUATTRO LIST" <quattro at>
> > > Subject: 4kq sputter update & cold idle probs
> > > Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 19:40:39 -0700
> >
> >
> > > There is a new problem that occured at first start-up and is still
> > > persistant. At cold start the car will only idle if I press on the gas
> > > pedel. Acts as if there is no cold start assistance. Once warmed for a
> > > moment it will hold idle and graduate to the 950rpm mark as it warms.
> > > varying rpm, just wants fuel.
> >
> >**** Sounds like your cold start injector is not working. Check the
> >.
> >. you were working in that area. Make sure you did not swap connectors
> >other circuits(like I did). The cold start injector connector will fit
> >the vapor purge valve . .which is next door. BTDT
> >
> >
> >SJ
> >85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
> >85 Audi 4k - - sold but still on the road
> >88 Audi 5kq
> >90 Audi 100q
> >
> >
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get McAfee virus scanning and cleaning of incoming attachments.  Get
> Extra Storage!
> --__--__--
> Message: 2
> From: "Bhatti, Mohammed" <Mohammed.Bhatti at>
> To: <quattro at>, <quattro at>,
> <epicfilms at>
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 11:58:05 -0400
> Subject: RE: My Audi nightmare
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Seth,
> Also check for recalls on this issue.  I have a 97 A4 1.8tq which has the
> xact same problem.  There was a recall on this issue for the A4's which I
> ill get seen to soon so check for this before spending any of your money.
> mohammed
> 97 A4 18tq
> From: "Seth" <epicfilms at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: My Audi nightmare
> Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:59:28 -0400
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi all,
> I bought my first Audi (a 1993 90S Quattro) about 3 weeks and have been
> loving it.  Occasionally I've had a little trouble getting the key to
> turn but jiggling the wheel would usually allow it to turn eventually.
> Last night, the key wouldn't turn.  I jiggled the wheel, absolutely no
> luck.  After a few hours I called the dealer where I bought the car and
> he suggested jacking it up to relieve pressure off the front tires(the
> wheels were turned rather sharply).  We did this and it finally allowed
> the key to turn and the car to start.
> But, there was now a squealing sound whenever I shifted(automatic)from
> park to neutral and this noise continued when the car was in neutral.
> Only by shifting into drive or park would the sound cease.  And, none of
> my electrical gadgets works.  No lights(except blinkers), no wipers, no
> radio, no heat, etc.  When I got home and was turning the key off (to
> position 2), the electrical gadgets all worked again.
> So, I climb in the car, try to turn the key - nothing.  I jiggled the
> wheel hard and it did turn and allowed the car to start.  But, the
> squealing noise still remains and the electrical devices are again not
> working.
> I'm completely lost. I loved my new(used)Audi but this is really
> frustrating.  Does anyone know what might be wrong and what the
> potential repair costs could be?
> Thanks!
> Seth Jarrett
> --
> --__--__--
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 12:22:32 -0400
> From: JShadzi at
> To: Nate.Beck at (Nate Beck),
> jeg1976 at ('Jim Green '),
> billzcat1 at ('Richard Hoffman '),
> quattro at ("'quattro at '")
> Subject: RE: engine questions
> Nate, to my knowledge all MC motors have the same size valves, and all 10v
> heads have the same size exh. valve, 33.3mm without exception.  Some later
> NG/NF motors came with 40mm intakes vs. 38, but that's the only valve size
> changes.
> There is no real advantage to using the MC2 head over MC1, but the MC2
> om end will give you a more responsive yet more detonation prone motor.
> Javad
> >
> >Does the MC-2 have larger exhaust valves? =A0I have a head with the
> >exhaust valves, and since I am gonna be pulling the motor apart to put
> >rings, seals, and bearings in I could put a head on it with larger
> >valves, or swap turbos. =A0Does anyone have any ideas? =A0 of how I
>  put
> >this all together?
> >
> >I have complete MC-2
> >I have complete MC-1 minus #4 piston due to hole, and minus head due to
> >spark plug reaming out the hole on removal
> >
> >I have a head from a 4kq with the larger exhaust valves.
> >
> >Any ideas will be helpful.
> >
> >Nate
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Jim Green
> >To: Richard Hoffman; Nate Beck; quattro at
> >Sent: 10/6/2003 6:50 AM
> >Subject: Re: engine questions
> >
> >
> >--- Richard Hoffman <billzcat1 at> wrote:
> >> There are some ECU differences (MAC10, 11, etc) but
> >> I don't know too much
> >> about that. =A0I know the MC2 got the smaller K24
> >> turbocharger to improve
> >> spool up and turbo lag.
> >
> >
> >Yea, you'll need the MC-2 ecu or it will knock all
> >over the place or you'll be running in constant retard.
> >
> >=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
> >Jim Green
> >'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II
> >
> >
> >__________________________________
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
> >
> >
> --__--__--
> Message: 4
> From: David <duandcc_forums at>
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Trophy Recaro Seats in my CGT
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:27:46 -0400
> Well, I finally did it. I now have a set of Tropy Recaro seats in my CGT.
> hey came out of 2 Jetta GLIs from 1989, both are passenger seats as the
> vers ones were all shot. These have to be the best seats I've ever had the
> pleasure of sitting in. Not only are they very supportave and highly
> red, they are comfey. It was a 9.5 hour drive back from NY (where I got
>  seats and had them installed), my back left perfect and I wasn't that
> d=2E Plus the grey & black 2-tone seats look oh so sweet in a black CGT.
> eck out a couple of pics:
> Before:
> 27_vl.jpg
> After:
> 8_vl.jpg
> &
> jpg
> Now for the question, the drivers seat eletric system for raising &
> g isn't working. Which is a more common failure, the switch or the motor?
> houghts on how to troubleshoot?
> --__--__--
> Message: 5
> From: David <duandcc_forums at>
> To: quattro at
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:28:11 -0400
> Subject:  (no subject)
> Well, I finally did it. I now have a set of Tropy Recaro seats in my CGT.
> hey came out of 2 Jetta GLIs from 1989, both are passenger seats as the
> vers ones were all shot. These have to be the best seats I've ever had the
> pleasure of sitting in. Not only are they very supportave and highly
> red, they are comfey. It was a 9.5 hour drive back from NY (where I got
>  seats and had them installed), my back left perfect and I wasn't that
> d=2E Plus the grey & black 2-tone seats look oh so sweet in a black CGT.
> eck out a couple of pics:
> Before:
> 27_vl.jpg
> After:
> 8_vl.jpg
> &
> jpg
> Now for the question, the drivers seat eletric system for raising &
> g isn't working. Which is a more common failure, the switch or the motor?
> houghts on how to troubleshoot?
> Dave
> 2002 Jetta 1.8T (hers)
> 1993 RX-7 R1 (weekend play toy, soon to be for sale)
> 1987 CGT Special Build 2.3
> in Virginia Beach, VA.
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> From: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
> To: "B Vibert" <blur at>
> Cc: "Audifans Q-list" <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical issues update...
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 12:56:45 -0400
> Oh did I forget to mention the steering rack leaks like a siv? I just gave
> up on that and topped up the system with regular ATF until I have time to
> the rack. When I do the rack I'll clean everything out and go back to the
> expensive stuff. That looks like a truly *fun* job too with it all tucked
> back in there behind the engine.
> -Cody
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "B Vibert" <blur at>
> To: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
> Cc: "Audifans Q-list" <quattro at>
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 10:16 AM
> Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical issues update...
> >
> >
> > Cody Forbes wrote:
> >
> > >Sorry if I sounded a bit offensive in my earlier post. I was in a bad
> mood
> > >earlier and when I just read over it I realised it could come off bad
> > >taken the wrong way.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Hi Cody
> > Audis have a  way of putting people in a bad mood sometimes. A problem
> > like yours can certainly be frustrating.
> > Just so you don't feel like it's only you, I just discovered my fuel
> > tank is leaking, plus a nice puddle of green gold and no power steering
> > or brakes.   Dunno if it's time to fix it or part it out and find a
> > newer car:-(
> >
> > Burl Vibert
> > 1987 5kcstq (leaking quietly in the backyard)
> > Kingston, Ontario
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --__--__--
> Message: 7
> From: <mark.e.woodland at>
> Subject: 5KTQ Cruise Control-Help
> To: quattro at
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:09:46 -0400
> I got Max ('87 5KTQ-256K miles) back together this weekend, now with
> Bilsteins and H&R springs.
> I'm getting it ready to start commuting 1000 miles a week and need to get
> the cruise control sorted out..
> but I can't lay hands on my (Bentley) electrical manual.
> I've started to test the system per the sequence in the Bentley mechanical
> manual, and am blowing fuses.
> The fuse (#12) blows when the cruise control is switched to the "on"
> position, even with the cruise control module disconnected.
> The circuit traces to the Blue wire w/red stripe entering the control
> Two wires go to the terminal,
> one from the control switch, and one going out to a "test connector". The
> circuit shows continuity to ground,
> so is either shorted to ground, or there is another element to the circuit
> that I don't know about. Any BTDTs?
> If anyone has a current track/schematic for that, I would appreciate the
> assisstance.
> If there are no other connections, then the switch is shorted internally,
> or one of the wires has shorted.
> Plan"B": I'm not beneath hacking into the system and adding manual
> to replace flaky electricals.
> If anyone would be so kind as to give me a breakdown of function vs. color
> code at the switch, I would just add  on/off and momentary
> switches to get the ON and SET functions working. (Rather than replace the
> dreaded MultiFunction switch)
> P.S. The H&Rs dropped the rear enough to rub the tires (on 16"BBS wheels,
> with a bit too much offset).
> I flared the rear fenders with a slide hammer/right angle attachment.  It
> looks almost factory, and didn't pull off any paint
> (that wasn't loose already  ;  )   If I ever go "Digital", I'll post the
> pictures.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Mark Woodland
> --__--__--
> Message: 8
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 14:07:34 -0400
> From: Huw Powell <audi at>
> Reply-To: audi at
> To: R Mangas <porter_dog at>
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: 4kq needs new suspension; spring q
> > Is there a difference between the 80 and 90 springs?  (Hell, is there a
> > difference between the cars?!  I went to the AudiWorld model pages and
> > found them to have the same engines, wheelbase, and curb weight...)
> They have different spoilers, and different trim level packages
> available (nicer stuff for the 90).
> In the fwd versions the 80 has a 4 cyl engine.
> But I'm sure Ti knows the answers to this question in far greater detail
> than I...
> --
> Huw Powell
> --__--__--
> Message: 9
> From: "josh Leonti" <livinotte at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: Flywheel bolt question
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:21:29 -0400
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Hi everyone.
> I will try to keep this short.
> I some how overtorqued and cracked my block installing it up to the
>  That luckly was not a big issuse, and is currently being welded by a
> ssional welder who has done alot of cast iron welding in the past.
> I had to pull a good majority of parts off the motor so that he could get
> t the crack.  Including the flywheel, clutch and pressure plate.
> I know the flywheel bolts are sappose to be used only once. But could I
>  them again.? They were brand new.
> Thanks
> Josh
> --
> --__--__--
> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:10:48 -0400
> From: Huw Powell <audi at>
> Reply-To: audi at
> To: mark.e.woodland at
> Cc: quattro at
> Subject: Re: 5KTQ Cruise Control-Help
> > I'm getting it ready to start commuting 1000 miles a week and need to
> > the cruise control sorted out..
> here's one place to work from, it might help a bit:
> --
> Huw Powell
> --__--__--
> Message: 11
> To: "Cody Forbes" <cody at>
> Cc: "Audifans Q-list" <quattro at>
> Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical issues update...
> From: Eric_R_Kissell at
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:27:19 -0400
> "Cody Forbes" <cody at> wrote:
> [snip] I cut the splice out today [snip]
> Cody,
> Can you measure the resistance across the splice to give us an idea how
> bad it was?
> Thanks,
> Eric Kissell
> --__--__--
> Message: 12
> From: Ameer Antar <antar at>
> To: Quattro List <quattro at>
> Reply-To: antar at
> Subject: Anyone hear from Avi?
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:43:41 -0400
> Hey, does anyone know where Avi is at? Is he on vacation or something? I
>  considering buying the Ultranator from him and I've sent 2 emails a while
> back, but no response. I hope he is still running the business... Thanks
> r the info.
> -Ameer
> --__--__--
> Message: 13
> From: Ameer Antar <antar at>
> To: Quattro List <quattro at>
> Reply-To: antar at
> Subject: Replacing metal coolant pipe for heater/tranny cooler (Type-44)
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:50:05 -0400
> I'm looking for some advice about replacing the metal coolant pipe from
>  block to the heater and tranny cooler that sits on the side of the block.
> I think mine is toast and grinding it makes the holes bigger. I was
> g of replacing it w/ copper pipe and some fittings, but I worry about
> action between copper and the rest of the system which already mixes
> um and cast iron passages. Anyone ever found a cheap alternative? Is it a
> ot from the dealer? TIA.
> -Ameer
> --__--__--
> Message: 14
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 13:03:39 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Ira Deere <iravwaudiporsche at>
> Subject: Petit Lemans Tent?
> To: quattro at
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Is there going to be a tent at the Petit Lemans?  If so how do I get me my
urS4 in?  Thanks
> Ira
> ---------------------------------
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
> --__--__--
> Message: 15
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 14:08:21 -0700 (PDT)
> From: james accordino <ssgacc at>
> Subject: Lucas rear caliper document
> To: audi list <quattro at>
> Anyone interested in viewing and maybe hosting/posting
> this?  It's a 5 page booklet from Lucas with exploded
> views of the rear caliper and very thorough
> instructions for disassembly and reassembly.  I
> scanned it as an Acrobat document and it's 650k in
> size.  Let me know if you'd like it, especially if
> you'd like to add it to your site.
> Jim Accordino
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> The New Yahoo! Shopping - with improved product search
> --__--__--
> Message: 16
> Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 17:17:23 -0400
> From: "Evan Manaresi" <S1267712 at>
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: 86 4000q speedo problems
> A lot of times my speedometer needle sticks at the pin, so that when I
> start driving, it stays at zero, but if I tap on the cluster, it starts
> working, I imagine it just needs some lubrication, but don't know what
> to lube or even what lube to use, it is no problem taking it apart, but
> where can/should I lubricate it, anyone ever have this problem before?
> BTW, I am 99% sure it is not the cable that is the problem.
> --__--__--
> Message: 17
> From: <mark.e.woodland at>
> Subject: Cruise Control cont'd
> To: quattro at
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 17:49:09 -0400
> My Bentley  (mechanical) manual  cuts off at the '85 5000 relative to the
> Cruise Control, and mentions an under-hood vacuum pump.
> I have an '87.
> Does the cruise control have its own vacuum pump or does it share the
> vacuum pump with the central locking system?
> If not shared, where is it?
> Regards,
> Mark
> --__--__--
> Message: 18
> From: "millertyme" <mlrtym at>
> To: <mark.e.woodland at>, <quattro at>
> Subject: RE: Cruise Control cont'd
> Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 19:12:27 -0300
> Mark,
> I believe that it is located under the drivers side front fender.
> Easy to locate with the inner fender removed
> Hope it helps
> Brian
> '87 5KT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
> Behalf Of mark.e.woodland at
> Sent: October 6, 2003 18:49
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Cruise Control cont'd
> My Bentley  (mechanical) manual  cuts off at the '85 5000 relative to
> the Cruise Control, and mentions an under-hood vacuum pump. I have an
> '87. Does the cruise control have its own vacuum pump or does it share
> the vacuum pump with the central locking system? If not shared, where is
> it?
> Regards,
> Mark
> --__--__--
> _______________________________________________
> quattro mailing list
> quattro at
> End of quattro Digest

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