NE gathering John Harvards continued

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Tue Oct 7 17:17:14 EDT 2003


  From what people are saieng anytime is good for most
but a few people saie that the 26th of October is good
which sounds good to me,
 so for now thats the date we can shoot for.
 So far I have Kent Mclean, Allan Vaga, Kevin Kingan,
Pedro Faria, Ben Kwan, Andrew Duan, Nate stuart, &
Mark Swanson, Mark Allen.
 I'm sure some more people want in on the fun!?
 As Nate & Mark have mentioned there will be info
posted to,
 so people can post there just follow the John
Harvards link. I'll allso post a few times back to the
main list just to keep straglers in on it.
 I'll waite another week or so then call the Resturant
to make reservations.
 I'll keep everyone informed, & check back to the web
site to update it as we get closer.
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8 pearl 83k

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