quattro digest, Vol 1 #5347 - 18 msgs

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Sat Sep 6 23:06:24 EDT 2003

For protection of the main battery wiring you need way more than just a
40amp breaker.  Even a 200amp unit may be marginal because starter current
must be accommodated...

A fusible link is the way to go.  A good auto parts store should have
something usable.

2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

Cody writes:
> Waytek Wire (waytekwire.com) sells a number of high amp circuilt breakers t=
> hat would work great. They have suitable breakers for voltages ranging from=
>  14v to 30v, and amperages from 10 to 200. I would look at part number 4654=
> 0 (40 amp with a mounting bracket and auto reset) or 46376 (40 amp with bra=
> cket manual reset). They also have ones that reset only when voltage has be=
> en removed. Even have covers to go over the terminals (sold separately).
> I HIGHLY suggest to anybody doing electrical work on their cars to order a =
> free Waytek catalog, their website stinks, but the catalog is absolutely br=
> illiant. No affiliation just an extremely satisfied customer. They have gre=
> at prices and tons of really great products.
> >From: Eric <eric_audi.ql at mindspring.com>
> >Subject: Battery cable short protection question
> >
> >As part of my turbo swap on my 4kq I moved the battery to the trunk.  I
> >took care to route the cable where it could not rub on any metal edges,
> >but I am still paranoid about getting a short some day way down the
> >road.  A short would be worse since the cable runs through the passenger
> >compartment.
> >
> >My question is this.  Has anyone found a good way to "fuse" the battery
> >cable.  I know some OEMs use fusible links on the battery cables, but I
> >have not found anything like that at a parts store.  I looked to
> >industrial options and a large enough fuse block and fuse gets a little
> >expensive.  I also thought about using a short section of smaller wire
> >near the battery, but the connection between the different sizes might
> >be tricky.

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