5ktq Bilstein install questions.
steve ankney
ankneys at vwmail.net
Sun Sep 7 23:58:17 EDT 2003
Hi everyone,
I have a couple of questions rfollowing the installation of Bilstein sports=
on my 5ktq...
The old bumstops would not fit over the shaft on the new Bilsteins. So I di=
d not use them. Is this bad? Is there a "special" bumpstop? Are the Bilstei=
ns designed to not need one?
Also, How the heck do they expect you to tighten the new cap that screws on=
to the strut? You know the one with the 2 tabs on it? Is there a special to=
ol that came with the Bilsteins? If so I didn't get one. Because of that fa=
ct I could only hand tighten the strut cap. There is no way I can get it to=
140 lbs as suggested by the Bentley. Any ideas?
Now, after installing these on the car I get major clunking. It feels like =
someone is shaking the heck out of the strut assembly. It comes and goes, s=
ometimes while turning, sometimes while going down the road, etc. It doesn'=
t always do it when I hit a bump, etc. If I shake the car or push down on t=
he bumper there are no funny noises. Everything seems "tight."
I did get the strut mount bolts tightned to proper torque specs along with =
the 22mm nut on top.
Looking for any BTDT, help, etc...
Need to get this figured out asap...thanks!
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