5KTQ Cold air intake

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 07:45:23 EDT 2003

--- Haydn Taylor <haydn_taylor at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Morning All
> I am wondering if anyone has tried replacing thier
> panel filter intake
> system on a 5KTQ with anything else. I would love to
> he able to reduce the
> size of the air plenum box and replace the panel
> filter with a big K&N cone
> filter down in the front bumper.
> My thinking at present is to chop the plenum box
> down by about 50% to give
> myself more clearance around the turbo, and to pipe
> from teh cut down box to
> the front of the vehicle where the air is nice and
> cool.
> However I have no idea if this will affect the air
> metering, does anyone out
> there know more about this?

It will not affect the meatering at all, TAP used to
sell a cone filter conversion box, I personally tried
my hand at fiberglass to mod my airbox.  It's pretty easy.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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