'88 80q idle weirdness...

Rand Soper orsopers at comcast.net
Mon Sep 8 21:37:00 EDT 2003

Thanks!  I will give all of that a try just as soon as I replace the
radiator tomorrow.  It blew on me today.   I just got done replacing the
heater core and I guess the new found pressure was just too much for it to
handle.  Oh well it will be a day off work.

>I have a car of the same vintage and had the same problem.  What fixed it
was a few
>1. clean the ISV;
>2. fix all vacuum leaks (not as easy as it sounds);
>3. make sure the charging system works well (charging about 14V) and has
good ground.
>In my case it involved removing the alternator and cleaning its contact
points to the
>engine bracket
>(it grounds through the block).

>The last step also fixed a oscillating speedometer needle.  Good luck.

>88 90Q
>91 V8Q 5-sp.

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