flaming a loser in SanDiego

Haydn Taylor haydn_taylor at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 10 18:49:01 EDT 2003

Hi Mike

That's a very nice and appropriate Rant! Thanks

A couple of other people think its the same guy so now we all know to ignore
him as suspected. I guess I am now up to speed as it were.

>'88 QSW Turbo/EFI/Header<----none of which are stock!

sounds very interesting - do you have a website about it?

Oh, and how exactly did you fix youre exhaust manifold? I just ordered some
72 & 77 welding rods from muggy weld and was going to practice on a junk
manifold if I can get one....this stuff looks good but I'd rather find some
high tech epoxy really if the truth be known as this rond of mods is interim
until next summer when I replace the kkk with a garrett to piss Tom
Chudzinsk off completely :)




>From: mdg3369 at newtsplace.com
>To: quattro at audifans.com, haydn_taylor at hotmail.com
>Subject: Re: flaming a loser in SanDiego
>Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 17:45:08 -0400 (EDT)
>When I first read your message, I had an idea who you are refering to, and
>after reading the comment he posted, I have no doubts in my mind......
>More than likely the culprit is none-other-than Tom Chudzinski, AKA Tom
>Crudzinski, Tom Chodezinski and a host of other low brow names. Brett
>found out about a year ago that he's from San Diego, I think he was
>threatening Brett or something like that.
>At any rate he's an all around asshole. He USED to post his comments to
>the list as well as individuals, but over the past year he seems to only
>target individuals now. He watches the list for things like this, and then
>goes off on people. I've gotten several "comments" from him about my car
>and modifications, and no I don't have an engineering degree from a German
>school, and no I am not the almighty VAG, but my VW is quicker than
>anything that has ever come from the VW assembly line....
>And yes there are plenty of BONE STOCK MC engines with cracked exhaust
>manifolds, the one in my car was no exception, it was cracked like a mo-fo
>when I got the engine, guess how I fixed the problem ;)
>And yes he is a bit retarded as I've found out over the last 3 years. His
>first comment made to me was about turbocharging my stock JT motor. "No it
>won't work- Not a single factory turbocharged car in the world uses CIS-E,
>and for good reason!, If you do it you'll soon find out why" Well, over
>two years ago I proved him flatly wrong. I also have a strong suspicion
>that his comment is wrong in another area, the pictures I have seen seem
>to indicate that the Bently Turbo-R from the CIS era of fuel injection in
>fact DOES USE CIS-E, I could be wrong, but it has a silver, aluminum fuel
>distributor rather than the painted black, cast iron ones normally
>associated with CIS(nonE)That's not important, the important thing is that
>he's full of crap most of the time (all of the time I've ever been
>contacted by him)
>So basically, he's a douche-bag.
>**Rant off
>Sorry about that folks! Back to your normal programming, broken door
>handles and the merrits of cable vs. DSL ;)
>'88 QSW Turbo/EFI/Header<----none of which are stock!
> > Message: 13
> > From: "Haydn Taylor" <haydn_taylor at hotmail.com>
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Subject: flaming a loser in SanDiego
> > Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 09:37:10 -0400
> >
> >
> > Hey everyone.
> >
> > I recently gave out a contact to the list for my gallery website where
> > there
> > are a load of photos related to my life, and in particular there is a
> > gallery of photos of my audi being worked on.
> >
> > The gallery is cool because people can leave comments on the pictures
> > which
> > may be usefull, or humerous or whatever...constructive criticism is
> > welcome.
> >
> > the gallery is here;
> >
> > http://thepointoforgasm.com/gallery/Audi-5KTQS?&page=1
> >
> > Heres the thing, someone from the list left a comment the other day
> > was very small minded. this person apparently belileves that all cars
> > should
> > be left completely stock and if any modifications are made the its the
> > owners fault if things break. which may be true, however I work in the
> > product development industry and appreciate that without experimentation
> > there is no progress in the world. I also work in the film industry
> > designing and building specialty stunt vehicles so I know a thing or two
> > about designing cars.
> >
> > So heres a link to the particular photo and the comment and my reply.  I
> > think its great if people leave comments but I would appreciate it if
> > would be brave and leave youre e-mail address with the comment so I can
> > reply or start a usefull dialogue at least.
> >
> > http://thepointoforgasm.com/gallery/Audi-5KTQS/aco
> >
> > so whoever on the list is the abusive dumbass with a very low IQ and an
> > addreess of fuck off   @, could you please have a bit of
> > bottle. (P.s. I am tracking you and so far I believe you are in San
> > or just south of it anyway and you use uu.net as youre service provider.
> > Within the next hour I should know exactly who and where you are so I
> > get in touch with youre service providor)
> >
> > (pps. - I am not really upset, and youre comment was not too bad, I just
> > want to let everyone on the list, and you in particular know what a dumb
> > loser you are)
> >
> > I just thought I should let the list know as whoever this person is they
> > are
> > obdviousely retarded in some way and dont really deserve the assistance
> > the rest of you good people.
> >
> > Sorry about the rant but theres nothing I dislike more than cowardly
> > stupid
> > people.
> >
> > Timmmy
> >

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