C&R rad on 89 90q?

Dave Hord spokes at the-wire.com
Tue Sep 9 17:07:46 EDT 2003


The rally car project has sprung a leak!  Both rads are dripping coolant rather
quickly. Enough that I'm not sure I can drive it the 2 hours home from the
cottage.  I could use stop leak, but the disadvantages of doing so lead me to
not want to.  Irregardless, that leads me to the next problem...

What rad do I put in it!?!

I'm thinking it woud be easiest to drop to one single rad, and ditch the
secondary rad. I'm also thinking moving to an aluminum rad could be fun, mostly
because I can get it cheaper then a rebuilt or new factory style rad.  Not to
mention the better cooling capacity.

So a few questions:

1) Who's running an aluminum rad on their car? Which one, and the dimensions
2) Should I switch to an aftermarket SPAL fan while I'm at it? (mounts easily
to an aluminum rad)
3) I'll need an inlet, outlet, bleed nipple and a coolant temperature sensor
port...machining some aluminum for the bleed nipple and temp sensor port
shouldn't be too difficult, but can I simply drill into the rad and weld them


86 4ksq 266,600km new to me as of March 5th 2003... will it stick around??
89 90q  330,000km as of Feb 26th.
Rally Conversion...perpetually in progress...
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