Durham NC - UrQ starting difficulties

Chris Thorp thorp at spacia.org
Wed Sep 10 12:32:20 EDT 2003

Is there any relation between starting problems and the length of time
it has been off?  IE, is there ever a time when you will switch the car
off and try to restart it immediately only to have it fail to start

'95 A6 quattro 5-sp

Noah wrote:

>I'm about to tear my hear out trying to solve a starting problem with my
>UrQ. Sometimes it starts fine, other times it will simply click when I turn
>the key. My battery is good, and when this is happening I can add jumper
>cables/jumpbox/battery charger to no avail. The battery will not "pass the
>juice"(a technical term) to the starter. If I mess around with it long
>enough and hold my mouth just right it will turn over. I suspect that when
>it does turn over it may be simply because the electronics have cooled down
>enough to make the resistances right again.
>A virtual cold beer will be awarded to the one who gets this one.
>'84 UrQ
>'87 5kcstq
>other stuff

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