The Colorado Police Protective Assoc. window decal blues

Doug Yoder yoderw at
Sun Sep 14 14:05:04 EDT 2003

As far as solvents go, you will have much better luck if you can get the
plastic decal off first, then solvents will be able to get the polymerized
adhesive off...
as frustrating as it is, try the heat method for removing the plastic...
just pull steadily as you are applying heat, maybe use a scraper without a
sharp edge (like a fingernail, or plastic, or something, so it doesn't
damage the defroster wires). Yes, I know I've described something that
takes three or four hands, in a small space, but with perseverance it
should come off.
Now you have all this goo on the window from the adhesive.  My experience
has been that either alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or oil (veggie oil, or
citrus solvent) will take any gooey adhesive off (if it has solidified, i
don't know what will help).


DeWitt Harrison said:
> Audi content: This could happen to an Audi too!
> Man am I frustrated.  I'm trying to remove a very suborn window decal
> from the rear window of my daughter's Acura. She bought into the idea
> that purchasing a Colorado Police Protective Association sticker for the
> rear window would obtain some sort of immunity. Instead it drew the cops
> like moths to a flame and she racked up many, many points on her
> license. I think they must sense hypocrisy. (Ungrateful bastards.)
> The bummer is that this sturdy decal is firmly plastered across several
> defogger stripes, negating the razor blade option. It's also been cured
> in the Colorado sun for about three years now. It's almost like a 20 mil
> layer of epoxy at this point. So far I've tried water based stuff like
> Simple Green, citrus oil cleaning stuff and an array of glue solvents
> such as Goof-Off and contact cement remover. I experimented a bit with
> heat. Heat seemed to soften the decal plastic somewhat but it takes a
> lot of heat and the damn thing is in a hard-to-reach place making
> scraping the softened stuff problematic and damage to window and/or
> interior trim an issue. Additionally, I'm concerned that the defogger
> stripes may come off almost as readily as the damned decal. Ideas?
> Thanks much.
> Friends don't let friends put window decals in their cars.
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5kcstq

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