The Colorado Police Protective Assoc. window decal blues

vze2tnyf at vze2tnyf at
Mon Sep 15 12:01:47 EDT 2003

You might want to try scoring the surface (away from the defrost strips) and then using WD-40, which I have had luck with before.  It makes a bit of a mess but usually works.

Good luck,

> From: "DeWitt Harrison" <six-rs at>
> Date: 2003/09/13 Sat PM 08:59:59 CDT
> To: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
> Subject: The Colorado Police Protective Assoc. window decal blues
> Audi content: This could happen to an Audi too!
> Man am I frustrated.  I'm trying to remove a very suborn window decal
> from the rear window of my daughter's Acura. She bought into the idea that
> purchasing a Colorado Police Protective Association sticker for the rear window
> would obtain some sort of immunity. Instead it drew the cops like moths
> to a flame and she racked up many, many points on her license. I think they
> must sense hypocrisy. (Ungrateful bastards.)
> The bummer is that this sturdy decal is firmly plastered across several defogger
> stripes, negating the razor blade option. It's also been cured in the Colorado
> sun for about three years now. It's almost like a 20 mil layer of epoxy at this
> point. So far I've tried water based stuff like Simple Green, citrus oil
> cleaning stuff and an array of glue solvents such as Goof-Off and contact
> cement remover. I experimented a bit with heat. Heat seemed to soften
> the decal plastic somewhat but it takes a lot of heat and the damn thing is
> in a hard-to-reach place making scraping the softened stuff problematic
> and damage to window and/or interior trim an issue. Additionally, I'm
> concerned that the defogger stripes may come off almost as readily as
> the damned decal. Ideas? Thanks much.
> Friends don't let friends put window decals in their cars.
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5kcstq

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