1990 80q battery problem -- it ain't the battery
rob hod
rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Sep 16 00:41:55 EDT 2003
I'm afraid my experince may not help you much here, but I had a wry laugh
at my own expense at the weekend;
My garage queen 87 CGT had a poorly battery for some time, but usually
the enigine stumbled into life the couple of times a month it was asked to
perform. On saturday I went over to my parts supplier for some parts for the
100 Avant. Round trip some 30 miles. When I got back I went indoors for half
an hour before going back to the car to put it in the garage. Battery was
completely dead. I couldn't beleive it, especially after a slightly longer
run than it usually gets of late! I finally sussed out that (being a hot
day) the cooling fan had been cutting in several times while I was indoors
and completely finished the battery for me. Like terminally. Ho hum. It now
has the new battery that it should have had six months ago. As I said maybe
no help to you, but somewhere in all this there's a moral..
PS the battery was so weirdly deranged that if I held the ign key in the
start position dash lights would all extinguish while the rev counter needle
would do a kind of dance of death round the gauge..
----- Original Message ----- >
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:19:32 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Richard J Lebens <rick-l at rocketmail.com>
> Subject: Re: 1990 80q battery problem -- it ain't the battery
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Is the alternator light functioning properly? Could a shorted diode in
> the new(?) alternator cause a battery drain?
> --- Jpinkowish at aol.com wrote:
> > In a message dated 9/15/03 6:55:25 AM EDT, jasonn at metrocast.net
> > writes:
> >
> > > Alright, I replaced the alternator in my 80q about a week ago.
> > Along with
> > > it, I put in a new battery and battery cables. Car ran fine for
> > three days
> > > and then mysteriously the battery dies overnight. So I tried two
> > other
> > > batteries for the next two nights. Same problem. I start the car
> > with a
> > > full battery one day and then 24 hours later the battery is dead.
> > Lights
> > > are off, radio is off, doors are closed, trunk closed, etc.
> > Anyone have
> > any
> > > idea why this is happening.....?
> >
> > Jason,
> > First focus on the quality of the changes you made before you go
> > hunting
> > current draws.
> >
> > Check the output of the new alternator and the continuity of the
> > battery
> > cable connections. The battery isn't the problem and the alternator
> > and cables
> > are the only other changes you made to the car.
> >
> > Jan Pinkowish
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