Type 44 tack control balljoint disengagement from strut.

Pat Korach tm2 at zipcon.net
Mon Sep 15 22:44:22 EDT 2003


The way I do it is use a heavy wall Radio
Shack antenna pole (5').  Remove 2 of the
nuts that hold the strut assembly to the
top.  Loosen  the other one up quite a bit.
After removing the nut/bolt from
Slide the pole in at a angle from the front
corner.  Over the swaybar with the end under the floor pan.  You can sit on
the end of
the bar or stand on it.
floor pan.
----- Original Message -----
From: "rob hod" <rob3 at hod3.fsnet.co.uk>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Type 44 tack control balljoint disengagement from strut.

>     At the weekend I tackled the worn N/S driveshaft cv's on my '88 100.
> Being an Auto this involved detaching the strut from the track control arm
> by separating the bolt-clamped ball joint. To get the movement to do this
> found I had to compress the spring in the strut and release both the
> roll-bar (US - swaybar?) mounts to the subframe, then I eventually levered
> and 'bounced' the joint free.
>   For next time, I just wondered if anyone had any advice on their
> easiest way to do that particular job?
>     Cheers,
> rob

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