Weird Idle --

superba superba at
Tue Sep 16 17:35:25 EDT 2003

Hi Rand et al,

Get a copy of Probst's book on Bosch Fuel Injection Systems and use the
troubleshooting steps in it.  My guess from 10,000 feet is that one of these
is faulty: (1) grounding of the ECU to manifold, (2) ECU itself, (3) Ox
Sensor.  I think the Marketplace database on the Quattro web site has the
name of a bookstore that will sell the book to you;  there was one in
Alameda, CA.  You may be able to find a copy close to home.

Someone posted not long ago that many ECU probs are caused by faulty
grounding, I second that.



Jim Jordan

>  Message: 1
>  Reply-To: <orsopers at>
>  From: "Rand Soper" <orsopers at>
>  To: "'Quattro List'" <quattro at>
>  Subject: The continuing Idle weirdness saga...
>  Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:34:22 -0700
>  Well, the idle weirdness in my '88 80q has gotten weirder.  Last week I
>  replaced the radiator (all copper $225.00 from Discount Import Parts in
>  Milwaukie, Or)  and replaced both the coolant temp. sender (for the dash
>  gague) and the coolant temp. sensor (for the ECU).  Both were original to
>  the car, as are all the other sensors.  My temp gauge now reads correctly
>  and the idle was better for two days.
>  When I first bought the car it idled fine but within a day the
>  idle switch
>  went dead.  I replaced it and all has been well since except
>  that it would
>  idle,rock steady, at 1000 rpm.  Now two days after replacing the radiator

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