Whats a good time on a 5ktq head?

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 17 10:37:42 EDT 2003

--- Cody <Cody at mail.craincorporated.com> wrote:
> So 2 days ago I went to finish up the work on my
> 5ktq (EFI conversion done Saturday night, now
> working on theelectrical gremlins with stock stuff)
> and when I started the motor all of the sudden I had
> a really bad knock. Sounded at first like a rod, but
> then it got much quieter and came from the top end
> so I thought a lifter died. Then when running it
> more the noise completely went away, then got really
> loud again, then quite. So I got out the boreoscrope
> and took out the plugs and started looking in the
> cylinders. Cant see any objects, but there are hits
> on the #4 and #5 pistons and valves. Yesterday I
> decided that I had to pull the head (wasn't exactly
> excited about it either!). I got all worked up and
> quite pissed off prior to the job, but the results
> were pretty good. Had the head on the workbench and
> then the car running again in 3 hours flat.

Damn, that's pretty good.  Having EFI helped here
since you didn't have to fuss with all the CIS stuff
in the way.

Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI Stage II

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