5 cyl tubular headers

Ken quattrophile at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 19 14:19:37 EDT 2003

[darn ISP is having problem, so I'm resorting to
another email account]

There was an aftermarket 10v tubular header that was
produced initially by Eurorace and had the remaining
stock sold to TAP.  Perhaps this is what is being
referred to?

My recollection from Mike Tipton's description was
that it was a PITA to install, but gave some gains on
a modified motor and sounded great.  I believe he had
his ceramic coated as well.  It's a three piece unit,
I believe, with two sections bolting onto the motor
and a third being merged into by them as a sort of

I was tempted to get one that showed up on Ebay a
while back, but I have to try to force myself to stay
focused on turbo upgrades. (!)  Anyone wanna buy a 4kq
exhaust manifold/downpipe, which has been
professionall crack repaired?


(auditude at cox.net normally)

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com

 Great as long as you have a 20v.  Unless your talkign
about the
4kq tubular Unit.  The COOL LOOKIND tubular from the
1990 Only
CQ will only fit the 20v motor, but is supposedly a
nice upgrade
on the 91' CQ motors.
--- Alan Pritchard <apritchard at seaeye.com> wrote:
> Hi, i have found a 5 cyl tubular header for the na
cars. what
> is everyones
> opinion on these? obviously this will do me out of
my turbo
> conversion....
> is it going to be a worthwhile buy? to be fitted to
my 90q...

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