Audi venting

superba superba at
Sat Sep 20 10:07:15 EDT 2003

Hi All,

In my experience, whether you get Audi to pay for work like this is highly
dependent on the Audi factory rep and the dealer, usually the service
manager but sometimes the general manager.  I got a turbo replaced by Audi
with over 60,000 miles on it and some other stuff under "goodwill".  The
larger dealers can shift warranty charges between vehicles in their
accounting and get away with helping you if they want to.  And, of course,
that requires that the Audi factory rep not get in the way.

If you were to audit all the charges against your vehicle at a dealer, you
will probably find things that were never done to your car.  However, others
might have been charged for work on your car.  It's all part of the system
that allows the warranty to be honored at places other than where you bought
your car.  Obviously, Audi and the dealers are not too keen on consumers
knowing too much about their system.

So, unfortunately, like many other things in life, it depends on being PC
with the dealer and the factory rep.  Some of the factory reps are asses and
you won't take long to identify them.

My .02 worth.


Jim Jordan

>  Message: 11
>  Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 01:33:06 -0400
>  To: duane at, quattro at (Quattro List)
>  From: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
>  Subject: Re: Big freaking vent against Audi
>  At 9:38 AM -0400 9/15/03, Andrew Duane USG wrote:
>  >I am having it towed back to my dealer this afternoon so they can
>  >diagnose what the extent of the damage is and "see if Audi might
>  >want to help." Of course, I'm already out $250 for towing, and $200
>  >for a cab ride home (this had to happen 100 miles away!).
>  >
>  >Given the tone of the service manager, and his lack of conviction that
>  >Audi will help at all, it may be lawyer time.
>  Any updates?
>  Brett
-----------------------snip, snip----------------------------

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