Hose clamps

Cody Forbes cody at craincorporated.com
Sat Sep 20 14:41:27 EDT 2003

The BEST clamps by far that I have found are actually got from a hydraulic
supply store. Industrial Hose and Hydraulic is where I go. These clamps are
T-bolt style with ny-lock nuts so they never come loose. Also they are about
20mm wide so they get a really great hold. Made of SS no less too. Smallest
size I have seen them in is 2", and the biggest is 4ft, in .25" incriments
up to 1ft. I have yet to see a properly fit hose come off when using these
clams, and I have cars running more then 3bar that use them.

2x '86 5ktq (one of which runs 2.5bar)
'87 5ktq - STILL having electrical problems
'88 80 4cyl

----- Original Message -----
From: <James at ringsperformance.com>
To: "Igor Kessel" <igor at s-cars.org>; "Audi S-list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Cc: "Audi Q-list" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Hose clamps


What you spoiled brats need is a smaller engine and less boost. Then you
wouldn't have these problems!!!

Try something like http://www.clampco.com/products/sprload.htm and you'll be
blasting reliably. And if it's a "big" hose and you're running "high"
pressure, you may need to add straps to hold the two components together.
That way, the straps take the axial load, and the hose takes only the
sealing load. Note that your "strap" could be something as high-tech as a
hose clamp on each tube with a few wraps of bailing wire across the gap. Or
you can remove the tubes and bring them over so I can TIG a mount tab on.

cu, James Marriott
'87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare ersatz NG engine, 184k, 1.0 bar,
being restored from rear-end total loss
'89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah), 154k, already been
Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Igor Kessel" <igor at s-cars.org>
To: "Audi S-list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Cc: "Audi Q-list" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 7:36 PM
Subject: Hose clamps

> Folks,
> I've been sucessefully using the SS, rolled clamps from McMaster for my
> hoses. Now with the full Samco treatment under the hood I have made a
> sad discovery. The hoses work themselves loose within a couple of
> months. Last time the hose blew off at 7,000 and 24 psi of boost as I
> was racing a neu S4. With a very loud "POP" to my embarassment. It's the
> one which connects to the BOV thru the barb to the turbo-to-crosspipe. I
> fixed it on the side of the road with the phillips screwdriver to the
> joy of the onlookers.
> Last night as I was changing the oil I decided to go over all of the
> clamps with the 7mm socket just for the hell of it. Guess what? Every
> damn hose clamp was loose! They turn into regular mainetence items. What
> a PITA! I feel this is happening because the Si Samco hoses are so sleek
> to the touch.
> So, the inquiring minds would like to know what the cat's meow in the
> world of the turbo hose clamps?
> --
> Igor Kessel
> two turbo quattros

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