help on coupe turbo conversion

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Mon Sep 22 10:54:29 EDT 2003

  I have NEVER heard of it hitting the headlight support.  But
the problem with the trackrod is common.  YOu have 3 options.
I'll list then in the order that "I" feel is preferable.
1) Call 2-Bennet and buy a brand new pre-Bent Rod for not much
more than a standard new Rod would cost you.  Then buy a new one
for driver side at the same time and be happy with your better
steering control.

2) Pick up a rod at a "yard" from a FWD Audi 4000 4-cyl.  Its
almost perfectly straight.  NOw bend it.  It works but isn't

3) Bend the rod you got.  PITA in my opinion because it isn't a
straight Rod.

Good luck

--- simon read <slimysi99 at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm having a little trouble, and wonder if you might help?
> I have a '88 Audi Coupe, and I am currently trying to drop in
> the lump from
> a '83 A200.
> My coupe has the 2.2 lump, the replacement is the 2.2 Turbo.
> The trouble is, the exhaust manifold and wastegate foul on the
> o/s trackrod,
> and the turbo itself hits the headlight support.
> Have you tried this conversion before? Or could you help in
> any way??
> Many thanks
> Simon Read
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