5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

Cody Forbes cody at craincorporated.com
Tue Sep 23 19:41:02 EDT 2003

I consolidated everybodys e-mails into one to avoid repetative
questions/answers. Thanks a ton for all the replies.

> Where are you measuring your voltage?  12.8v should be plenty to run
> rather normally.

I monitor all of the cars runtime variables through my EFI computer. I have
referanced the voltage displayed on my laptop screen with other various
places and its dead accurate to true battery voltage, which I have measured
at the battery, front engine compartment battery access terminal, ignition
switch, and a couple other places.

> My BTDT says my 1989 200q Avant and my 1986 5000cstq run OK below 12v.  I
> think it had to get below 11v down towards 10v before I noticed a problem
> when my system was not charging properly. BTDT two or three times.
> If you are really seeing a problem with missing when you go below 12.8v,
> then I would think you might have a high resistance in the wiring for the
> ECU or the ignition system that makes 12.8v much less than that when it
> gets to the affected systems.

My EFI computer gets its voltage source from the same wire that is the key
on hot for the factory ECU. I have 2 EFI cars wired exactly the same (other
one ran great), so I know that the EFI computer isn't hogging all of the
current from the MAC-11.

> Your charging system might be fine.  I would guess that it is not too bad
> because 12.8v seems plenty to me.

Yeah charging seems ok because I usually get 13.5v or so when the lights
etc. are off and the car is idling. I plugged in a new ignition switch today
which didn't help with the voltage problem, but the old switch needed
replacement anyway.

>FACT: When you messed around with the alternator wiring, it ran good after
>running bad. Might be associated, might not.

>HYPOTHESIS: Broken wire in the alternator wiring, or in the connector right
>at the alternator.  Moving the wire re-established a better connection
>between the broken ends inside the insulation, but then vibration of
>driving degraded that temporary condition.

>EXPERIMENT: Test this hypothesis by replacing the wires that you messed
>around with. That way, you are sure to get the one with the broken segment,
>if such a condition exists.

First thing I will do tomorrow is replace the alternator to starter wire,
but the others involved I'm not sure how to replace. The starter 12v supply
wire seems to me to be reasonably irreplaceable, unless I take the engine
out and ut open the wiring harness.

>I also suspect corrosion in the connection of the central high voltage wire
>that runs between the coil and the dizzy. Pull both ends and look for green

Nope, that was one of the first things I replaced (before I knew it was a
supply voltage issue) along with the coil, dizzy, and plug wires.

>I'd make various measurements in different areas, perhaps with reference to
>the battery ground (did you check that connection BTW) .  One of the list
>members offers an upgraded voltage regulator that ups the alternator to
>14.4-14.5 volts.  I've got a couple of these on my cars and it really works
>well.  The T44's have always had a problem with power because of the power
>goodies they have.  Don't forget the splice in the passenger
>well.  Corrosion here causes all kinds of issues.

I have tested the connection between the engine and battery ground and got a
nearly perfect .01ohms. I have heard of this splice in the passenger well
(and one under the passenger seat as well I think), but never found them
(never looked terribly hard). Where exactly are they?

>I had the problem on my VW. The volt falling down. I cleaned the big red
>cable terminals between the alt and the solenoide. Solenoide bolt was very
>oxided. It fixed the problem.

Thats one of the things I cleaned last night, but I am going to replace the
cable that goes between the starter solenoid and the alternator tomorrow.

>I have seen Hall Effect sensors get fuzzy with low voltage (that is, crummy
>ones work better at higher voltage), so you might check the flywheel hall
>sensor and the distributor hall sensor -- start with the wires and
>connections, of course.

Already replaced the dizzy with one that had a brand new hall sensor in it.
I haven't however checked the flywheel sensors. They do look old, so maybe
I'll toss on a good used set for good luck.

>If you have a scope, monitor the output of the hall sensors.  You should be
>able to rig the car to charge and not charge on the fly while you are in
>garage, so you can see what the waveforms and system behavior are at 13+
>at 12 volts.

No scope :-(. As for rigging it to not charge, I usually just hit the
highbeams and see if the idle drops, or rev it and see if it misses.

>Also, check if you are throwing any codes.

I have a feeling there is something wrong with the diagnostic system here.
This is an EFI car, the CIS is sitting next to my toolbox a few rooms away,
yet the car still throws no codes whatsoever. My first though was it would
be a waste of time to check codes because it would throw a dozen "your CIS
is broke" codes at me, but I finnally checked a few days ago it got a 4444
(ran it 3 times to be sure).

-Cody Forbes
Black Forest Racing
2x '86 5ktq
'87 5ktq
'88 80 4cyl

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