5kT A/C line test port thread size?

Ameer Antar antar at comcast.net
Wed Sep 24 04:30:45 EDT 2003

Well, thanks for the posts about the A/C port. I decided to just get a brass cap to cover the port till I can afford to go to an A/C shop. I just want to be sure it won't leak until that happens. Do you think there will be a problem w/ using brass in aluminum A/C system???

Just so it shows in the archive, I found the test port to be a 1/4" flare fitting.


---Original Message---
From: <James at ringsperformance.com>
Date: 9/23/03 10:58:43 AM
Subject: Re: 5kT A/C line test port thread size?

Your local AC EQUIPMENT shop should sell them. Or you can get one from http://www.acsource.com/product.asp?0=236&1=281&3=216 The tool is pretty expensive, and the likelihood of illegally and expensively venting your R12 charge is high. I suggest the pay/shop method, but YMMcertainlyV.

cu, James Marriott
'87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare ersatz NG engine, 184k, being restored from rear-end total loss
'89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah), 154k, already been un-totaled
Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ameer Antar" <antar at comcast.net>
To: <James at ringsperformance.com>
Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: 5kT A/C line test port thread size?

> Thanks for the replay. I have a tire valve tool. Couldn't I just use that? The question is if the a/c valve is the same as a tire valve? My guess is it's not, but I gots no idea... Do you know where these can be found? Thanks a bunch.

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