5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

Cody Forbes cody at craincorporated.com
Wed Sep 24 08:36:38 EDT 2003

My EFI ECU uses a separate ground point that is bolted to the chassis. I
know this method is fine because I had another 5ktq running on the same
exact EFI setup that uses the same ECU positive, and all other wiring is
identical. The old car ran for about 3 months the exact same way, but as
some of you may remeber from June a fuel leak ended my fun with that car.
FYI The EFI ECU ground is 4 14 gauge wires, so I see no problem with current
flow there.

-Cody Forbes
Black Forest Racing
2x '86 5ktq
'87 5ktq
'88 80 4cyl

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ameer Antar" <antar at comcast.net>
To: "Robert Myers" <robert at s-cars.org>
Cc: "Cody Forbes" <cody at craincorporated.com>; "Quattro List"
<quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

> You're probably right that there's not much difference in draw between 37
and 41-lb. injectors. I guess there might be a larger solenoid in the bigger
injectors, which would increase the draw, but probably are almost the same.
Injectors are just small solenoids (or coils w/ mechanical plunger). This
actually draws quite a bit of current, b/c at hold, the solenoids act like a
short circuit (well not quite, if it weren't for the inline resistance).
Also the peak stage draws lots of power too. The original CIS ECU's used
very little current since they only had to handle a few solenoids like the
freq. valve and wastegate valve w/ far less stress compared to injecrors.
Basically, I just think the original ECU power lines (both pos. and neg.
(unless the ECU has a ground point)) may not be enough to handle the new EFI
> -Ameer
> ---Original Message---
> From: Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
> Date: 9/24/03 5:32:22 AM
> Subject: Re: 5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)
>  The injectors are simply electrically switched valves attached to spray
nozzles.They don't require electricity except to turn them on and then hold
them open until time to close the valve.Unless I'm missing something
obvious, that impulse shouldn't be significantly larger for higher flow
injectors than for stock injectors.I certainly hope not anyway.I have a set
of 37 pound per hour injectors sitting on my bench just waiting to go in in
a few days.
>  Bob
>  *****
> Robert L. Myers 304-574-2372
> Rt. 4, Box 57, Fayetteville, WV 25840 USA WV tag Q SHIP
> '95 urS6 Cashmere Grey - der WunderwagenICQ 22170244
> http://www.cob-net.org/church/pvcob.htm
>  *****

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