5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)

Cody Forbes cody at craincorporated.com
Wed Sep 24 14:46:02 EDT 2003

Oops forgot to cc the list on this one:

> Possible, but I don't think so mostly because the car had the same problem
> before the EFI conversion, I thought it was CIS related ( read as "wanted
> excuse to EFI my newest 5ktq" hehe). Engine temp sensor fir the EFI is
> spanking new as of last Sunday. Its a standard GM sensor (Audi gods will
> kill me if they see that!) so I doubt it has failed yet, they produce
> kabillions of them I have never heard of a high failure rate. Also when
> monitoring the engine with the laptop the coolant temp reads almost right
> it should, fan turns on at ~214 degrees F and all. Since I'm not doing any
> boost runs or anything I'll go ahead and lean it out for a bit to be sure
> thats not it.
> -Cody Forbes
> Black Forest Racing
> 2x '86 5ktq
> '87 5ktq
> '88 80 4cyl
> ---- Original Message -----
> From: "Bernard Littau" <bernardl at acumenassociates.com>
> To: "'Cody Forbes'" <cody at craincorporated.com>; "'Eric'"
> <eric_audi.ql at mindspring.com>
> Cc: "'Audifans Q-list'" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:46 AM
> Subject: RE: 5ktq electrical problems update (not fixed)
> Hi Cody,
> > My EFI does have voltage correction correction. I am using slightly
> > injectors on this one,  42lb/hr instead of 38lb/hr, but I'm positive its
> > ignition. If I turn on the lights with highbeams the car won't rev above
> > 3000rpm wide open and it dumps black smoke and fills the area with fuel
> > smell. I do have the EFI set a bit on the rich side, but not THAT rich.
> >
> Maybe the problem is not the ignition.  Check your engine temp sensor for
> the EFI.  I would even bypass the sensor with a known good warm engine
> signal (some appropriate resistors instead of the sensor to give a warm
> engine signal).
> Sounds more like you are going way too rich.  Misfires and stumbles may be
> due to the mixture and not the ignition.  The sensor may be having a
> vibration problem.
> Food for thought...
> Bernard Littau
> Woodinville, WA

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