OT, phone solicitors

Bob DAmato bob at audisport.com
Wed Sep 24 23:53:22 EDT 2003

Just remember, the judge was interpreting existing law; he was not
making new law.  The 50 million people should 'encourage' their
legislatures to fix this problem.

Mike Arman wrote:

> Over 50,000,000 Americans have signed up for the national do-not-call
> registry.
> Judge Lee West of Oklahoma has just overturned the whole thing because he
> says the FTC has exceeded its authority.
> So 50,000,000 Americans who have loudly and clearly stated that they are
> sick and damn tired of being bothered will have to continue to put up
> with
> this.
> Judge West's phone numbers are as follows:
> Courthouse: 405 609 5000, fax 405 609 5099
> the Judge's Chambers: 405 609 5140, fax 406 609 5151
> I think Judge West needs a dose of what he seems to think is OK for the
> rest of us - a few million annoyed phone calls ought to do it . . .
> Pass these phone numbers around - if it is good enough for 50,000,000
> pissed off Americans, it should be good enough for the Honorable
> Judge, too.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman

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