OT, phone solicitors

QuickAudi at aol.com QuickAudi at aol.com
Thu Sep 25 17:54:57 EDT 2003

In a message dated 9/25/2003 2:09:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time, robert at s-cars.org writes:

> And today the House voted 400 something to 8 to specifically give the FCC authority to issue such regulations.  It is expected that the Senate will also act before evening on the
> issue.  The judges's decision looks to become moot.
> Uh, Joel, ever been to WV? :-)

Even better: I have family there.  Drove up in the V8 this past May (found an awesome windy road to take :)  ) before I went to OK, so I heard about the political situation there as well.  Oh well, this will be something good to bring up in law class tomorrow.

'90 V8q (been a lot of places)
'86 5kcstq (ditto)

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