Hurrah for two car decadence!

Pantelis Giamarellos pantg at
Sun Sep 28 20:27:25 EDT 2003

Well said Mike.

What the civilized (or should we better say advanced) countries have is the
fruit of the efforts, works, ingeniouty of the people who live there.

As for those who say that wealth and materials were "stolen" from
undeveloped countries the only reply is that the wealth and material was
there but those who had it did not wish to work or simply did not have the
brains (putting it bluntly) to take advantage of it.

No matter of  "law of the Jungle" just a matter of evolution. The fittest
and smartest evolves, those who are not perish. Plain as that.

Take care
Pantelis (ready to be flamed)

P.S. since this has nothing to do with audis anyone who wishes to add his
opinion is welcome to do so privately. I would be thrilled to be hearing
from other  fellow listers and get your opinions and views.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Arman" <armanmik at>
To: <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: Hurrah for two car decadence!

> DoubleDZ is slightly uncomfortable at having two cars, she feels slightly
> decadent . . .
> Well, let's have a resounding cheer for decadence! There is NO virtue in
> poverty. Anyone who claims there is just has a case of sour grapes -
> seriously, if you had a chance to have Bill Gates' money, would you turn
> down because "it isn't virtuous"?
> We sometimes forget how well off we really are. Take a look at
> and prepare to be amazed. If you make over $40,000
> year, you are in the top *one percent* of incomes on this whole planet!
> (Face it, we live in a pretty poor neighborhood.)
> The interesting thing is this - poorer people  - and poorer countries -
> often think (and sometimes act) as though YOU are rich because you stole
> the money from THEM. This isn't true (unless you own a pawn shop or a
> title-loan company) - wealth comes for the most part from economic
> activity. People who get upset because others "unfairly" have more money
> than they do mostly don't understand economics. This envy is totally
> unproductive, and solves nothing.
> Enjoy your Audi AND your Miata - you've earned them, they are the fruits
> your labor.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman

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