Collapse the brake piston to position caliper -- CClamp -- but be sure the brake fluid reservoir is "caught"

superba superba at
Mon Sep 29 17:07:15 EDT 2003


I use a piece of wood and a C Clamp to collapse the piston.  First, be sure
to put a pan or something under the MC to catch the brake fluid in case you
force some to spill over.  Brake fluid will strip paint.

Huw Powell had a brake bleeder how to on his web site if that needs to be


Jim Jordan

>  Message: 14
>  Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 11:19:50 -0700
>  Subject: Brake Caliper Fell Off!!!
>  From: David Thoresen <david at>
>  To: <quattro at>
>  Embarrassing day yesterday.... My front right brake caliper fell
>  off!  Well
>  I ended up using my E-brake to stop and to make the 1 mile home.
>  Now I am trying to put this all back together, (I am not to familiar with
>  brakes) and am having a tough time pushing the piston in so I can fit the
>  pads back on there and over the rotor... So if anyone could email me the
>  best way of doing that I would really appreciate it!
>  Thanks a bunch!!!
>  David
>  1990 90q 20v  (Single piston front brakes)
-----------------------snip, snip------------------

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