traffic woes and laws

Rocky Mullin caliban at
Thu Apr 1 20:24:36 EST 2004

At 1:15 AM -0500 4/1/04, Brett Dikeman wrote:
>privacy and freedom concerns :-)
>Oh, and Rocky- most antistatic bags aren't RF shields; they're just 
>plastic with slight conductivity, and not much more.  Furthermore, 
>the signal is so weak(since the unit is battery powered and designed 
>to last a couple years) that even putting the sender unit on the 
>passenger seat probably would do just as well.

	thanks for the info!  i am basically going off of what they said
when they sent them out.  "if you don't want to use it, stick it in the
original bag".  it's true that they are very weak, even in a pocket or
in a tankbag they don't detect.

  Rocky Mullin   |
  5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket
  fired,  signifies in the final sense a theft from those who
  hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
  President Dwight D. Eisenhower  April 16, 1953

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