Injector mounting in manifold.

Denis sparkplugvw at
Sun Apr 4 11:33:41 EDT 2004

  I would never do that. Imagine back fire toast the air filter oufff , yerk
it ll smell so bad.. hehe

  The place i suggest is on the big tubs just before the 5 tubes begin in
the manifold , just on top of the head pointing left. Put 5 there . It what
i  m plannig to do on my 2.3 head. % inj on stock place and smaller inj on
the beginning of 5 tubes.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Eric Sanborn" <eric_audi.ql at>
  To: <antar at>
  Cc: "Quattro List" <quattro at>
  Sent: Sunday, April 04, 2004 8:24 AM
  Subject: Re: Injector mounting in manifold.

  > Ameer Antar wrote:
  > > I would avoid mounting injectors in the airstream before the TB for a
  > > street car b/c of the chance of igniting the mixture in the wrong
  > > place. I've heard some race cars have injectors at very long distances
  > > from the TB's, but I'm pretty sure all production cars have injectors
  > > mounted after the TB,
  > I agree with you that it is safer inside the intake, but it has been
  > done by automakers.  My Suburban has throttle body injection (TBI).  It
  > has two huge injectors about an inch or two above a two plate throttle
  > body.  This is surrounded only by your classic american donut shaped air
  > filter and double metal saucer shaped air box.  TBI was used on most
  > every V8 (except corvette) in the late 80s.
  > -- 
  > Eric Sanborn
  > '85 4ktq
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