Header time, suspension too, and a bomb q

Cody Cody at mail.craincorporated.com
Sun Apr 4 13:30:49 EDT 2004

Sounds good, and actually I'll be in Daytona anyway towards the end of the month (Porsche Rennsport Reunion - entering 4 cars in the GT race), but I'm firmly against spring chopping. I found another few places that sell the H&R setup for alot less then 2B anyway, and a few are east coast companies.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'87 5ktq EFI/K27
'88 80 4cyl
'88 90 4cyl

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Mike Arman <armanmik at earthlink.net>
Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2004 10:15:01 -0500

>>I forgot to ask about springs. I'm thinking that I want to lower the car 
>>while I've got everything apart. 2bennett lists H&R lowering springs for 
>>$325 but to ship them from Cali to FL would not be cost effective. How 
>>about some input on the recomended supplies for lowering my '87 5ktq, and 
>>the best east coast source?
>>-Cody Forbes
>Cody, I've got a stock set of 86 5KTQ springs sitting in my garage right 
>now. Fer a hunnert bucks you can have them and then get them chopped, 
>shortened, lengthened, anything you want.
>And I'm a *LOT* closer to you than California.
>Best Regards,
>Mike Arman

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