Sylvania silver bright - headlamps

Steve Sprague ssprague at
Tue Apr 6 14:08:23 EDT 2004

	Just follow everyone's advice on biting the bullet and buying a set
of European headlights.  On my 91 200q I installed the PIAA Extreme Whites
in my Stock US DOT "headlights" and they looked great when you stood IN
FRONT of the car and NOTHING changed when behind the wheel.  I actually
think it got worse.  So if you'd like some 9004 PIAA's I've got a set!
	Seriously, you should invest in the Euro lights and a good quality
wiring harness.  I took one day to install the lights and harness which was
well worth my time.  And I don't' take too much time away from my recreation
either.  I've been very happy with my set especially driving up the canyons
of Santa Cruz and the Sierra Nevada's at night or even during the day.  If
you're cash challenged, check the Audifans Market place for lights.
	Also look at Chris Miller's website for information on the lights.

Good luck,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: quattro-bounces at 
>[mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of David Balbirona
>Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 10:02 PM
>To: theloves at; ian at; 
>audi at
>Cc: quattro at
>Subject: Re: silvania silver bright - headlamps
>Thanks all for input on the lights.  I, being somewhat 
>challenged on many 
>levels, have no clue if I am using H4 bulbs (or exactly what 
>the stock bulb 
>designator even is).  I have seen the name Osram.  Truly I am more 
>interested in seeing what is out in front of me.  Just started on this 
>venture so I don't know about color 
>temps/blue/silver/white/yellow etc.  I 
>am seriously considering replacing the lenses as well as mine 
>have certainly 
>seen better days.  Thoughts??  My model is an 87 5KCSTQ.  
>What's a going 
>rate on replacement lenses, new/used?  TIA.
>I have seen serious glare from other headlights (usually from 
>the japanese 
>import set).  I don't really want to venture too far off topic 
>here, but 
>what about the headlamps from the newer Audis?  I sometimes 
>drive my friends 
>2000 S4 (veeeerrrrry nice).  Is everyone else out there being 
>being blinded 
>by his stock headlamps?
>Driving w/ crappy nightime illumination,
>--David Balbirona
>Renton, WA
>>From: "The Loves" <theloves at>
>>To: <ian at>,"Huw Powell" <audi at>
>>CC: "David Balbirona" <dbalbirona at>,<quattro at>
>>Subject: Re: silvania silver bright - headlamps
>>Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 22:07:27 -0700
>>If you are using H4 bulbs and you are wanting silver, use Osram not 
>>Sylvania. Same company, two different animals!
>>Huw is right about nothing but glare.
>>Maybe better to be seen in the sylvania case rather than 
>better to see with
>>in the case of the Osram.
>>My 2 cents
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <ian at>
>>To: "Huw Powell" <audi at>
>>Cc: "David Balbirona" <dbalbirona at>; <quattro at>
>>Sent: Monday, April 05, 2004 9:51 PM
>>Subject: Re: silvania silver bright - headlamps
>> > On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Huw Powell wrote:
>> > > > Has anyone tried using the Silvania Silver Bright lights in an 
>> > > > 87 5KCSTQ/other models?  They seem to be getting 
>mostly positive
>> > > > some WRX lists.  At a local FLAPS they can be had for 
>about $25 
>> > > > per. Any thoughts or opinions?
>> > >
>> > > Sounds really expensive for something that will mostly 
>just create
>> > > for oncoming traffic...
>> > >
>> > > What's your ride?  Many older US Audis started with poor lens 
>> > > designs, and got worse as they got pitted and worn.
>> >
>> > I have plans to get Sylvania's older bright halogen option Cool 
>> > Blue.  I haven't seen the Silverstars in action but I 
>doubt they're 
>> > worth the
>> > either.  The cool blues are a better color temperature and have a 
>> > bit
>> > output than standard halogens (read: they suck slightly 
>less) for no 
>> > significant amount more than regular halogens.  They worked pretty 
>> > well
>> > my old '86 CGT.  No significant amount of additional glare either.
>> >
>> > Sylvania has some HID upgrade choices too, but I think only for 
>> > sealed-beam square headlight setups.  (The stock lamp is 
>replaced in
>> > with a lens, replacable lamp, and leveling motors, along with a
>> >
>> > ian Butler / ian at
>> > '88 Audi 5000S quattro
>> > '88 VW Scirocco 16v
>> > '87 VW Vanagon GL syncro -- buy it buy it.
>> >  
> > '77 Mercury Marquis -- for sale
> >
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> > quattro mailing list
> > quattro at 
> >
> >

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