mixing for octane (LAC)

KUNZ,BOB (HP-Boise,ex1) bob.kunz at hp.com
Wed Apr 7 17:00:15 EDT 2004

William Magliocco wrote:
> Let's say I mix 5 gallons of 87 octane gas with 5
> gallons of 93 octane gas.  Do I wind up with 10
> gallons of 90 octane gas at the end?  If not, is there
> a formula to figure this out?

In general this is the formula one can use if the gasolines are of similar
composition and the numbers are not wildly different. There is another
measurement called sensitivity (it is the difference between research and
motor octane numbers) that is a secondary factor in the calculation. But it
is so to say in the noise for the kind of gross calcualtions you are talking

Just do the weighted average and you'll get it.

And yes, pumps do simply mix two grades of gasoline to come up with the
different AKI values.


'86 5ks Avant
'02 TTQR

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