5KTQ-Runs!!-PW Lights Stay ON

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 8 10:33:24 EDT 2004

Hello All!!

As you recalled the '86 5KTQ now starts right up, and
engine sounds nice and strong with no rattles or
noises of any kind.

Now going through the little surprises hoping to get
them solve with your valuable insight :)

Here's the list:

*--Power Window Switches's Lights Stay On all the time
after car has already been shut down.

---What could be causing this?
---For now I unplug the battery  so not to drain its

*--More importantly, stick shift linkeage is very very
loose and, as a result, hard to shift into gear....can
not shift into fifth, as a result.

--Bad bushings?? Cody and I will be taking a closer
look at it perhaps this weekend but any additional
input is more than welcome.

There are some other little issues but those 2 are the
most noticeable ones for now.

Many thanks in advance!!!


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