5KTQ-Runs!!-PW Lights Stay ON

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 8 12:25:48 EDT 2004

Thanks Nick!!

Will take this info and share it with Cody when we
take a closer look at it prob. this weekend.

You write: "There is a dogbone or ball joint link on
top of the trans that is known to fail and make 5th
and reverse hard to engage."

Indeed, when we drove the car it was impossible to
shift into 5th, and as for reverse is was very
difficult, engaged only after some ten trys (at least
when I tried it--Was more complacent with Cody :).

About this "dogbone," how difficult is it to get to
it? Does the tranny has to be removed in order to get
to it? If so that's more of a PITA--but looking at it
more positively, that would give us a closer look to
the clutch to see how much life it still has on it.

Cody mentioned 2 possible things: rubber bushings and
perhaps that "dogbone" you are referring to it.

Hope is just the rubber bushings since they seem
easier to get to!!

Take care and thanks again,


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