Quattro Mud Flaps?

Rocky Mullin caliban at sharon.net
Sat Apr 10 15:37:49 EDT 2004

	i put them on my A4, my dealer sold them.

At 4:21 PM -0400 4/9/04, J. Spencer Cline wrote:
>I'm getting kinda tired of cleaning the dirt from behind ALL the 
>wheels on my car.  I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to 
>get mud flaps for a 90 quattro.  Honestly shouldn't AWD = mudflaps? 
>Whenever I go out in the snow the rear wheels shoot up twin trails 
>of snow like some kind of crazy ass jet ski. 
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at audifans.com

  Rocky Mullin   |  http://www.sharon.net/caliban/
  5 right opens long into 6 left plus tightens over crest 50

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