marketplace virus posting

auditude at auditude at
Sun Apr 11 21:28:29 EDT 2004

Did I ask if it would infect my system(no)?  Did you answer any of my questions(no)?

Still wondering whether this stuff is from a person or a bot,

> From: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
> Date: 2004/04/11 Sun PM 09:23:10 EDT
> To: <auditude at>,  quattro at
> Subject: Re: marketplace virus posting
> At 8:54 PM -0400 4/11/04, <auditude at> wrote:
> >Question for you guys that might know.
> >
> >Is stuff like this the result of an actual person actively trying to 
> >set us up to catch a computer virus?  Or is this some sophisticated 
> >"bot"?  What the heck is the motivation for people who want to 
> >spread viruses?
> >
> >This is a marketplace posting that looks like it was a virus to me.
> >
> >
> Was there an attachment?(no).
> Can an email with no attachment infect your system?(no).
> This virus been out for months and well known to fake coming from 
> "admin teams" at various domains.
> How it even made it past the filters, since marketplace is a closed 
> list, warrants further investigation, but all email in+out is 
> scanned, and attachments aren't allowed on any list.
> Brett
> -- 
> "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
> safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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