marketplace virus posting

Brett Dikeman brett at
Sun Apr 11 22:48:10 EDT 2004

At 10:36 PM -0400 4/11/04, <auditude at> wrote:
>Hi Brett,
>It's cool.  These bots must be pretty sophisticated tho' if there's 
>no human intervention.  To post to the marketplace through the 
>webpage, one has to click on two checkboxes and such.  To send an 
>email to the markplace "list" via email, if that's even possible (I 
>vaguely recall that it isn't), they would have to somehow sub and 
>reply to the confirmation email.

As I said in my original email:

"How it even made it past the filters, since marketplace is a closed 
list, warrants further investigation, but all email in+out is 
scanned, and attachments aren't allowed on any list."

Ie, I'm looking into it, but it's not a huge issue because you can't 
get a virus from any of our lists anyway.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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