timing belt tools - cant find the answers

Phil Payne quattro at isham-research.com
Tue Apr 13 02:59:07 EDT 2004

> from what i see, there is a key on both the crank and cam, and as long
> as the timing is right prior to removing the belt, why do you have to
> keep it from turning?  all that can happen, in my view, is that the
> motor can turn over.  if this happens, the cam will turn with it, and i
> cant see the concern with that happening.

The locking tool is not to preserve timing - in fact, it's quite poor at doing that.

It's to stop the harmonic balacer and crank turning when you undo the bolt.  When you've
undone one or two, you'll understand why.  332 lb ft is a LOT of torque - on an ur-quattro, if
you look down the side of the car when someone does it, you can see the car's body twist.

The tool does NOT guarantee TDC.  Once you've tightened the bolt again, you'lll find the
flywheel timing mark is slightly out.  Reset it, then set up the cam pulley, then tighten the
belt by moving the water pump, then recheck the cam pulley.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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