How to tell water pump leak?(90 200 tqa)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sat Apr 17 22:48:41 EDT 2004

If it's dripping out the bottom of the timing belt cover, it's most likely
the water pump.  In the case of my wife's 4kq, the leak was out of the
pump's shaft housing rather than around the rubber seal where the pump
seats against the block.  

At 06:28 PM 4/17/2004 -0700, Matt Ammann wrote:
>Hi All,
>I recently replaced the thermostat on a 90 200tqa,
>because the it was running cold.  Fixed the running
>cold problem, but it shortly developed a leak.  I
>doubled checked the thermostat, and lower radiator
>and don't find any leaks.
>I'm concerned that the water pump has developed a
>I can't see where the leak originates, but it first
>shows up at the forward edge of the oil pan.  If I
>back the radiatior shroud, and look between the
>bottom/back of the water pump and the ac pump I think
>can see some coolant.
>How can I confirm that it's the water pump, and what
>other things should I look for before digging in to
>the pump.

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