Clutch pedal proble, 86 4kq

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Mon Apr 19 05:01:05 EDT 2004

At 08:59 PM 4/18/04 -0400, you wrote:
>Clutch slave was replaced just a year ago, along with the master (twice).  I
>checked the firewall area for cracks, and I dont see any, even had somebody
>push the clutch pedal in while I checked.  Not sure what the deal is, it 
>baffles me :(

You mentioned that the clutch feel never seemed "right" after you replaced 
the master and slave a year ago, and the master broke again recently, if I 
recall correctly.  Seems to me that perhaps the replacement slave installed 
a year ago was perhaps defective all along, and just worked enough to make 
you not want to replace it again.  I drove my CGT for a year with a failing 
slave cylinder, so it can work with it not being "right."  The fact that 
you have replaced two masters should tell you that a(nother) bad slave 
isn't out of the realm of possibility.  One question:  Are the parts being 
used new or rebuilds?  I haven't had much luck with rebuilt clutch hydraulics.

George Selby

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