Not-running 90q (was poorly-running)

Kurt Deschler desch at
Mon Apr 19 10:38:55 EDT 2004

have you checked the visual appearance of the spark (compared to another
car)? Could be weak spark. Just another idea.


> Message: 5
> Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 08:01:25 -0500
> From: "DePenning, Charles [EPM/MTN]"
> 	<Charles.DePenning at>
> Subject: RE: Not-running 90q  (was poorly-running)
> To: "'a.sigal at'" <a.sigal at>
> Cc: "'quattro at'" <quattro at>
> Message-ID:
> 	<619264F5DAF02344BC3B7F279A4742450716858A at>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> I hear ya and agree that it really does sound like the timing between the
> cam and crank is off, but I've checked it _several_ times between when the
> problem started and now, and even though the problem has gotten steadily
> worse, the index marks on the flywheel and the cam toothed pulley line up
> perfectly.  Also, checking the timing while cranking shows a fire on #1 at
> approx. 12 deg BTDC, right where it should be, so that is kind of a
> double-check.  Great compression across all five cylinders.  But what the
> hell, I've checked everything else, so I might take the whole damn front end
> off the car (again) to check the pulley.  I'm frankly still at a loss- I've
> got (fresh) gas (plugs wet after prolonged cranking, a little puddle on top
> of each piston too), compression and spark seemingly at the right time.  I
> tried pulling a vac hose off and squirting some starting fluid in the intake
> and it really didn't try too hard to start- maybe one cyl hit, otherwise
> that didn't even work.  The vac system holds pressure pretty well too, so no
> gross amounts of free air getting in the way.
> You would think the thing would work with me a little bit.
> Thanks!

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