schrick cam install

Alan Pritchard apritchard at
Tue Apr 20 11:09:40 EDT 2004

Oops!!! That's a complete lie, im much heavier than that!!!!!!
Time for a rethink......
My maths head is at home still!!

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Alan Pritchard [mailto:apritchard at] 
Sent:	20 April 2004 16:12
To:	'Phil Payne'
Cc:	Quattro List (E-mail)
Subject:	RE: schrick cam install

Thanks, ive ordered the locker from audi, 33 pounds or so plus the vat. Not
bad. I haven't gone for the multiplier as I considered it too expensive. To
torque it up I guess my weight at around 45 kg, so with the aid of a metre
breaker bar I should be able to get close on torque. In all honesty with
high torque bolts I tend to do up FF-ing tight, which has never done me
wrong to this day, I know its not right, but if I took my car into a monkey
garage, it would be way off the mark no doubt. Just about to set about
ordering up the water pump, gaskets, cam shaft seal, and idle roller.

Best Regards,
Alan Pritchard

Network Administrator
Mechanical Design Engineer
Seaeye Marine Ltd.
+44 (0)1329 289000

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Phil Payne [mailto:quattro at] 
Sent:	20 April 2004 09:51
To:	quattro at
Subject:	Re: schrick cam install

> Thanks all for the advice, second question, I have tried a tb job on my
> coupe gt and ended up having to get an impact wrench on the front pulley.

It doesn't help.  True, you can get the old one off that way - but how are
you going to get
the right torque when you put it back together?

> Now there is a vw tool available, is it 2079??? Which is the extension on
> the pulley, does this hold the crank still, or is that vw 2084??

2084 is the locker.  2079 is a torque multiplier allowing you to use a
relatively modest
torque wrench to get to 450 Nm - but the car really has to be on a lift.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7785 302 803

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