[V8] motor mounts R&R 90 V8

David Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Fri Apr 23 12:01:49 EDT 2004

Need a fender to fender engine support to hold the engine up - Harbor 
Freight sells a nice one if you don't have access to a cherry picker.

Ron Wainwright wrote:

>  Listers,
>  A friend of mine (not a lister) needs to R&R his
>motor mounts on a 90 V8, having never done this before
>I was wondering if any lister can help with any BTDT?
> Looks like the header pipes are in the way to get to
>the top nut. Would using a crows foot be the best way
>(as not to rip the engine bay apart),don't want to
>open any more cans of worms than is allready open.
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