88 90 q's

Matt Evans matt at mattevans.org
Tue Apr 27 19:45:13 EDT 2004

Thanks.  Comments inline 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: no1of consequence [mailto:iin10ded at hotmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 11:55 PM
> To: matt at mattevans.org
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: re: 88 90 q's
> i just did a bunch of this stuff on mine..
> 1. sounds like the tstat or the mfts. my mfts went bad and 
> the gauge died. 
> replaced the sensor and the gauge came back. then it started 
> reading low. 
> replaced the tstat solved that. i think its much more likely 
> that the sensor 
> or tstat be bad before the gauge.

I hadn't really considered the t-stat.  The car blows warm air _very_ early
in the winter, within a minute of starting typcally.  This is -30F winter,
mind you.  Part of my says that means it warms up fast.  Another part of me
says that the heater core isn't supposed to get fresh coolant until the
t-stat opens.  Which one of me is correct ?

> 2. ps fluid expels via overflow? what overflow? theres a 
> reservior and thats 

Look at the cap on your resivour some time.  If the resivoir overflows, it
shoots out of the cap.  My returned pentosin turns into this ugly black
froth with bubbles in it, and spills out the top.

> it. it shoudl return to the overflow to be sucked back to the 
> pump.  i just 
> had all 4 or 5 of the hoses rebuilt as the rubber was old and 
> cracked and 
> weeping in spots. it was about 150 at a radiator shop for all 
> 4 or 5 hoses. 
> [reused stock ends].
> 2a: mine were original i think and its got ~210k.
> 2b:
> 2c: what are the banjo bolt sizes ?  22 and 24mm. on the rack 
> its 19 and 21 
> or 22. get a cheap + small micrometer. its really helpful for 
> getting bolt 
> sizes to buy wrenches with.


> 3. a/c compressor totally soaked in caked on oil/grime.
> mine too. its GROSS. i think im gonna douse it with brake 
> cleaner one of 
> these days..
> 3a: Where does this come from typically ?
> oil spillage from filling, id guess. it goes right down the 
> back of the  
> valve cover and weepps, mists that whole area.
> 3b: how adaptable is this system to R134a?
> no idea.
> 4. 1st and 3rd gear feel almost identical when shifting.
> bad bushings / shifter guts probably. the parts are available 
> to replace it 
> all but i dont know the details. i think huw has a good 
> writeup of it on his 
> site.
> 5a: easiest way to run changer cable to trunk ?
> take out the pass or driver side sill panel and tuck it under 
> the carpet. 
> pull the back seat and find a nice pass thru to the trunk.
> hope that helps. i had nothiung to say on your other q's..
> jim
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